
2013-09-19, You can take the nail out, but the hole will remain.

Someday, I was willing to return to the future. Suddenly, I felt that I was too young too simple. I was not understanding the damage we do to each other even after we made up. Some thing can never really be undone or unsaid, and although we may have not really meant it, it will always leave a scar on that person. When we get hurt or really disappointed, we build walls, slowly one we will not be able to get trough. "You can take the nail out, but the hole will remain."

This, definitely. Also because as our partner? Our friends? Our spouse? Especially after we've been together a long time. We know exactly what words we could say that would devastate them. And because they trust and love us, the worst insult from my hits that much more.

When we live with someone, we will know where the scars are, and just kow to make them worse, if only because we are careful about them worse, if only because we'ra careful about them in the first place.

Maybe, even we've made extensive apologies after doing some really damaging stuff, these will still be something that bring us to call the whole things off in the end.

Wish I could be more careful with my friends.

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